PBGEN COSME ABRENICA, Director, PNP-AKG, together with its AKG’s top officials and Officers, led the random drug test to its Personnel on October 4, 2023, held at the PNP AKG Headquarters in Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City.
This activity was part of the PNP Internal Cleansing Program aligned with the concurrent Program of the Chief PNP, PGEN BENJAMIN ACORDA, and participated by a total of 40 personnel which is composed of 15 PCOs, 15 PNCOs, 1 NUP, and 9 Civilian employees of this Group.
The drug tests were conducted meticulously and professionally by the PNP Forensic Group led by PMAJ HERNAND G DONADO, Chief Drug Test, PNP FG, to ensure the accuracy and fairness of the test.
PBGEN ABRENICA reiterated the guidance of the Chief PNP on the significance of this drug testing, stating that, this not only determines the fitness of PNP personnel but also demonstrates the PNP’s commitment to integrity enhancement and cleansing of its ranks, particularly those in command positions.